Discord tendrá también su IA al estilo de ChatGPT - Pou Plix
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Discord will also have its ChatGPT-style AI


Discord is one of the most well-known platforms in the digital world for being a tool that allows organization and messaging. However, today we have to decide that Discord will also have its ChatGPT-style AI.

For the community of “gamers” it will be incredible because it is an automated function that allows them to video game players communicate with each other, You can use it individually or in a group through a server.


Since chat by voice and even share screen, make video calls, among other opportunities available to old and new users.


Many young people create an account to talk to your friends, but also to interact with other users in the communities you create. But the company wants to give more and because of this it is working with a new intelligence to create the Clyde, your ChatGPT-style moderation artificial intelligence.

If you want to know more, keep reading this article, you might be surprised by them news that is coming to Discord.

Image credit: Google

Discord is using OpenAI technology for its chatbot

There Discord instant messaging app, It has a ton of automated tools, with bots to make chats more interactive.

Allows users in your community to create entertaining rooms or communities, in addition to providing extra security and Interesting functions thanks to Clyde.

Discord gave his robot this name due to his multiple works with ChatGPT integration. The firm is working on the OpenAI product that uses Microsoft on Bing Chat to obtain the best results.


This way, it will allow users to receive summaries of everything that happens in the chat, and even moderate servers. Something that each member is used to doing. So that With the introduction of the software, each button will be much more agile and easier to work, especially for mass groups.

Image credit: Google – Discord

Discord will have AI

Discover our list of the latest news and smartest features that Discord brings:

1. Clyde with ChatGPT on Discord

Initially, it will be free during the testing period for some chats. The Clyde bot will support the technology behind ChatGPT, will allow humanized conversations and task execution.

Without a doubt, it is a very interesting integration for everyone who uses the platform;

2. Automated AI moderation

The moderation tool, AutoMod AI It works to provide a more intelligent language, from which the robot also intervenes when the administrator writes an incorrect command, for example.

The main objective is find and alert moderators when a rule breaks within the server.

3. Creation of avatars with AI

Them Avatars are also part of the great Discord novelty. The intention is to insert a tool to create avatars using image-generative AI.

Avatar Remix on Discord They work together so that users can create their own virtual representations from texts.

With AI, the app also offers space to power create and share images with other people from the community, asimism, using hand drawn drawing tools.

4. AI Project Incubator

The project incubator is nothing more than a plan designed for specific purposes. Discord AI creatives with an investment of approximately US$ 5 million to finance independent developers and startups with solutions for the platform.

On the application website, you can apply. Those selected for the program effective receipt, training with Discord developers and early access to exclusive functions.