Explora la Mejor Diversión Virtual en México
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Explore the Best Virtual Diversión in Mexico


In Mexico, there virtual fun is reaching new heights. With a variety of exciting and unique options, now you can immerse yourself in the world of virtual entertainment from the comfort of your home. Are you ready to explore? virtual experiences fascinating and immerse yourself in epic adventures without leaving your home? In this article, you will discover some sources and experiences in Mexico where can you enjoy the best virtual fun, interact with other players and explore incredible scenarios. Get ready to experience unforgettable moments in the virtual world!

Key Points:

  • There virtual fun en Mexico allows you to enjoy exciting experiences without leaving your home.
  • Both Cinépolis as National Geographic offers unique virtual entertainment options.
  • VR rooms for gaming en Cinépolis Satellite will allow you to immerse yourself in challenging and exciting scenarios.
  • The room Ultimate Explorer of National Geographic in Town Square Metepec offers you the opportunity to explore the world and generate environmental awareness.
  • The itinerant experiences of Cinépolis In different locations in Mexico, virtual entertainment options for players are expanded.

VR Room for Gaming at Cinépolis Satélite

Get ready for an experience virtual reality unforgettable at Cinépolis Satélite! Located in the State of Mexico, this VR room to gaming It is the first of its kind in Latin America. With a surface area of 185 square meters, a world full of exciting virtual adventures awaits you.


Imagine being able to move freely around the room while exploring fascinating scenes and facing virtual challenges alongside other players. There VR room Cinépolis Satélite will immerse you in a new level of immersion and adrenaline.


With games designed by the renowned Zero Latency studio, such as “Engineerium” and “Zombie Survival”, you will be prepared to live exciting and challenging experiences. Are you ready to put your skills to the test? gaming in one virtual reality high quality?

Cinépolis has big plans for the future, with the opening of more VR theaters in different parts of Mexico. This means that virtual entertainment options continue to grow, giving you more opportunities to explore virtual worlds and immerse yourself in exciting gaming universes.

National Geographic Ultimate Explorer in Town Square Metepec

National Geographic I have opened the first room Ultimate Explorer in Mexico, located in Town Square Metepec. This virtual exploration room offers children and adults the opportunity to learn about the world in a virtual way.

Visitors can explore the bottom of the sea, the space and different parts of the world through documentaries and interactive experiences. Imagine sinking into the depths of the ocean and observing the majesty of marine creatures, or flying through the confines of the universe without leaving your seat!

The virtual exploration room Ultimate Explorer It's an immersive experience that combines the power of technology with the passion for adventure and exploration. With high-quality images and realistic sound effects, you'll feel like you're really there.


In addition to providing entertainment, National Geographic aims to generate awareness about the environment and promote exploration and care of the planet between new generations. Through their documents and interactive experiences, they seek to awaken environmental awareness and promote the importance of conservation.

Let us be surprised by the beauty and diversity of the world that surrounds us through it virtual adventure by National Geographic Ultimate Explorer in Town Square Metepec.

Benefits of National Geographic Ultimate Explorer Featured Experiences
1. Discover the world without leaving home 1. Exploration of the bottom of the sea
2. Experience remote and exotic places 2. Space travel
3. Genera environmental awareness 3. Discovering different cultures

Cinépolis Itinerant Virtual Reality Experiences

Cinépolis, renowned cinema chain in Mexico, on the ground offers cinemas virtual reality for gaming, it also brings virtual reality experiences directly to different locations across the country. This initiative, known as itinerant virtual reality, allows users to immerse themselves in exciting virtual adventures in places like Galerías Guadalajara and Plaza Satélite.

The experiences of itinerant virtual reality Cinépolis offers players the opportunity to explore different universes and game scenes. With a space of approximately 5 by 5 meters, users can move freely and completely immerse themselves in the virtual world. The games available in these itinerant installations are designed by VR Arcade, a renowned company in the virtual reality industry.

There itinerant virtual reality de Cinépolis offers an additional option for those who want to experience the emotion and immersion of it virtual reality in mexico. If you want to enter a world of fantasy, fight in an epic battle or explore exotic places, these itinerant experiences will transport you to virtual worlds full of action and fun.

Benefits Locations
Immersive and exciting experiences Galleries Guadalajara
Interaction with virtual scenarios and other players Satellite Plaza
Variety of virtual reality games available
Additional option to experience virtual reality

Experience itinerant virtual reality at Cinépolis

Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in exciting virtual experiences in Mexico with the Cinépolis itinerant virtual reality installations. Become the protagonist of your own adventures and discover a new world of possibilities in virtual reality.

realidad virtual itinerante


In short, virtual entertainment in Mexico is growing rapidly, offering people the opportunity to immerse themselves in exciting virtual experiences from the comfort of your home. With VR gaming rooms in Cinépolis, the National Geographic Ultimate Explorer room and the Cinépolis itinerant experiences, players have a wide range of options to explore and enjoy the virtual world. Even if you choose to venture into fantastic worlds or explore the most remote corners of the Tierra, virtual fun in Mexico is within everyone's reach.


Where is the first virtual reality room for gaming in Latin America located?

The first virtual reality room for gaming in Latin America is located at Cinépolis Satélite in the State of Mexico.

What games does the virtual reality room offer in Cinépolis Satélite?

The virtual reality room at Cinépolis Satélite offers games such as “Engineerium” and “Zombie Survival” designed by the Zero Latency studio.

Where is the first National Geographic Ultimate Explorer room in Mexico located?

The first National Geographic Ultimate Explorer room is located in Town Square Metepec.

What does National Geographic's Ultimate Explorer room offer?

National Geographic's Ultimate Explorer room offers the opportunity to explore the bottom of the sea, space and different parts of the world through documentaries and interactive experiences.

Where can you find Cinépolis’ traveling virtual reality experiences?

Cinépolis' itinerant virtual reality experiences can be found in different locations in Mexico, such as Galerías Guadalajara and Plaza Satélite.

What are the game options offered by the Cinépolis itinerant virtual reality experiences?

Cinépolis' traveling virtual reality experiences offer games designed by VR Arcade, allowing players to explore different universes and game scenarios.

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