¿Por qué utilizar la firma digital y cuáles son sus beneficios?
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Why use the digital signature and what are its benefits?


Signing documents has never been so quick, simple and secure. The digital firm has experienced a boom in recent times, becoming a key tool in digitalization. Here we show you Why use the digital signature and what are its benefits?

To facilitate operations such as validating agreements, processes and granting legal validity through An electronic signature today is a recurring practice.


Carry out business online, without the physical presence of employees There are efficient, simple and fast results.


If you want to know how to automate firms, We present to you the benefits of using cryptographic firms and with exclusive permissions.

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What is the electronic or digital signature?

Firstly, you need to know who the electronic company is. It is simply a legal concept that has as its objective give proof of the firm's will.

This set of electronic data that are linked to a document, it is necessary to identify the author of the firm and ensure the integrity of the process, agreement, among other aspects.

The digital signature is encrypted and complete with the following features:

  • Authentication of origin: If you can recognize that the digital signature has been carried out with an original authentication.
  • In repudiation: There is no way to deny that the document has been digitally signed, as it is 100% legal.
  • Integrity: All documents that are digitally signed cannot be changed. Integrity is an exclusive factor in all applications that automate the service.

Types of electronic signature

Not all electronic firms are equal. The eIDAS regulation distinguishes three types, in increasing order of their level of legal security:


1. Simple electronic signature

The simple electronic signature serves to demonstrate compliance with the document or contract, Your authentication is faster because it is a check that is carried out at a casilla the PIN number.

For example, it works like when you introduce it PIN in your bank's automatic cash register to withdraw money in cash.

Its advantages? Simple, quick and easy At the time of any client, the user must legally accept the terms and conditions.

2. Advanced electronic firm

The advanced electronic signature allows any user the customer can accept the conditions and terms of a contract by itself, which is applied in a unique way with time, geographic coordinates and biometric information.

Its advantages? But complete and demanding because you can restrict access. Among its most outstanding characteristics is the creation of electronic firms under exclusive control.

3. Qualified electronic firm

It's that one firm created by a qualified device of creating electronic signatures and based on a qualified certificate of electronic signature, such as the DNIe.

It is also known in some countries, as a “recognized firm”, which offers a higher level of security, however, its use You need to have a qualified certificate of electronic signature (DNIe).

Your benefits? In the case of the qualified firm, the burden falls on the one who rejects the validity of the same, putting one of the characteristics of this firm is not repudiation (it is not possible to deny the completion of a transaction digitally signed with qualified certificate).

What are the benefits and why use the digital signature?

Despite the fact that there are many people who refuse to use this type of electronic firms due to possible fraud, such as evolution of digital tools, products and services You have started to use it thanks to its multiple benefits.

Both for the company and for any person, a digital firm can get out of trouble at any time. Furthermore, in the meantime, speed up processes and maintain active commercial operational management between business agreements.

Next, we list some benefits which, if you are still not convinced, will convince you to use the digital signature:

1. Say goodbye to paper: better organization, less time and more sustainability.

  • Paper disposal:  Savings on materials and other administration and storage costs.
  • No more lost carpets and papers: All your documents are signed, collected and organized in the same place.

2. More mobility: makes it easier to sign from any place and at any time.

  • Speed up processes and hiring: Make the path easier for both the client and owner/owner. During the execution of processes, glues are avoided and manual procedures are reduced.
  • Improve your business: Integration with work flows increases benefits followed by completely legal and simple electronic firms.

3. Greater security: keep your documents safe.

  • Speed and simplicity: Digital firms provide security. Once the document has been signed, its contents cannot be changed.
  • Confidentiality: The content of the message can be known by those people who are authorized to view the document.
  • Tranquility: The digital signature software complies with the eIDAS Regulation for complete legal validity.