Conexión Automática a WiFi en Redes Abiertas - Pou Plix
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Automatic Connection to WiFi on Open Networks


In the current digital era, being connected to the Internet at all times is essential.

Applications that allow you to automatically connect to open WiFi networks offer a practical and convenient solution for users who want a fast and secure connection in public places.


In this text, we will explore three examples of these applications, analyze their benefits and features, take a look at the history of WiFi and conclude by highlighting their importance.

WiFi Automatic:


This application stands out for its ability to automatically detect open WiFi networks and connect quickly and securely.

It also offers advanced security options, such as automatic connection to known networks and protection against insecure networks.

See also

WiFi Manager:

With an intuitive interface, WiFi Manager allows the user to manage their WiFi connections in a simple and efficient way.

It offers the option to automatically connect to open, trusted networks, guaranteeing a smooth browsing experience.

Avast SecureLine VPN:

Although it is mainly known for its VPN function, Avast SecureLine also offers the ability to automatically connect to secure open WiFi networks.


This provides users with an additional layer of protection when browsing in public places.

    Benefits and Features: Fast and Secure Connection

    The previously mentioned applications offer a series of benefits and features:

    • Automatic Connection: Automatic detection of open WiFi networks allows a quick connection without the need to manually enter network data.
    • Improved Security: Some applications, such as Avast SecureLine VPN, guarantee a secure connection even on open networks, protecting user data against possible attacks.
    • Simplified Management: The ability to manage and prioritize WiFi connections makes the user experience more personalized and efficient.

    History of WiFi: Origin and Evolution

    WiFi, Wireless Fidelity, began in the 1970s with pioneering experiments in wireless communications.

    However, it was in the 1990s when WiFi began to become popular as a high-speed and reliable wireless network technology.

    The launch of the standard IEEE 802.11 in 1997 marked a success in its development and mass adoption.

    Since then, WiFi has continually evolved, going through several improvements and updates that have made it an indispensable part of our digital lives.

    Implications of using open WiFi

    Using open WiFi networks has important implications for personal data security.

    When connecting to an open network, there is a risk of exposing confidential information to possible cyber attacks, such as data theft or unauthorized access.

    These networks often lack robust security measures, making them vulnerable to intruders.

    Therefore, it is essential to take precautions when using public WiFi, such as avoiding financial transactions or accessing sensitive information, and considering the use of tools such as VPN to protect privacy.

    Automatic Connection to WiFi on Open Networks

    Conclusion: Efficient and Safe Wireless Connection

    Applications to automatically connect to open WiFi networks represent an essential tool in today's digital world.

    With its benefits in terms of speed, security and ease of use, an efficient and safe wireless connection is possible anywhere.

    Therefore, it significantly contributes to improving the browsing experience of users and keeping them connected at all times.

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